Saturday - 27 July 2024 - 7:16 PM


Fifth of world’s largest companies now have net zero target

Dr. Seema Javed At least one fifth (21%) of the world’s 2,000 largest public companies, representing sales of nearly $14 trillion, now have net zero commitments according to a new report by the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) and Oxford Net Zero . Majorities of those companies (by sales) …

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Who should receive the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize?

Fredrik S. Heffermehl The Norwegian Nobel Committee will soon address the pile of nominations received for 2021. The number is constantly increasing, this year it will probably be around 350. Not easy to find the best. But much easier if the awarders would comply with Alfred Nobel´s visionary idea of …

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India’s rich are responsible for its Carbon Foot Prints

Dr. Seema Javed A recent study linking India’s economic disparity with climate impact found that the country’s rich emit seven times more than its poorer citizens. According to a study by Japan-based Research Institute for Humanity and Nature- The top 20% of high-expenditure households in India are responsible for seven times the emissions …

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French  government may be guilty of “Climate Inaction”

Dr. Seema Javed “By not complying with its climate objective, France is at fault, and the State should be held responsible for that.” Amélie Fort-Besnard, rapporteur public for the Paris Administrative Court, declared today during the hearing of case whereby four French NGOs in late 2018  had launched a lawsuit againt …

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Major Banks Support Global Plastics Supply Chain & Ignore Plastic Pollution Crisis

Dr.Seema Javed Banks are co-responsible for the plastic pollution crisis, ignoring their customers’ outcry by indiscriminately funding the plastics supply chain. This was brought to light by Bankrolling Plastics Report , an assessment, carried out by .A First ever investigation into the loans that global banks have provided to the plastics supply chain. Major banks have …

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2020’s biggest developments in the climate change

Dr.Seema Javed The year 2020 will always be referred as the year of the great pandemic in future. But while the public health emergency dominated headlines, our era’s other big headache, climate change, also found prominence in the footnotes. While the world floated into the Paris Agreement era, developing & …

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