Prof. Ripu Sudan Singh It is so bad and so unscientific that in most of the countries, Corona patient dead bodies are kept in refrigerator as no sufficient burial ground and graves are available. It will further worsen the situation. This is the most challenging tasks the world is caught …
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Amidst COVID-19 Crisis, e-NAM may be a Game Changer for Millions of Indian Farmers
Yogesh Bandh India has taken early action to limit the spread of COVID-19. These measures has helped in limiting the health crisis, but—as in other countries—the complete lockdown of all economic activities except essential services have created an economic crisis and misery for the poor, with massive job losses …
Read More »Vulnerability upon middle class now
Utkarsh Sinha There is no doubt that situation is bad. Powerful nations who took pride upon nuclear weapons are shattered with the virus attack and to such an extent that life is standing still. As PM Narendra Modi has extended lockdown till May 3 the big question now is how …
Read More »Lockdown vs. mandatory testing: China vs. Singapore model
Populated countries like India lockdown is the solution not testing Yogesh Bandhu Be it political think tanks, media or the intellectuals all have one debate in mind which is fighting coronavirus has the only solution in testing, and nothing else. But those stressing upon testing are not aware of the …
Richesh Dutt On 24th march, the Prime Minister of World’s largest democracy in an unprecedent move with a single stroke of pen locked down a fifth of world’s population, a whooping 1.3 billion people for a period of 21 days in a bid to control the spread of corona virus. …
Read More »How smartphone is helping Singapore fight coronavirus
Priyanka Parmar Countries across the world are trying to cut the chain for coronavirus. Until the chain breaks the infection spread might not stop. and to achieve this every nation is making attempt in their own ways. At some places cops are trying to chase the infection chain and at …
Read More »Coronavirus is a ‘technological fight’
Dr. Chakrapani Pandey Worst fear came true. Doctors treating coronavirus patients are infected. IN several parts of the country over 50% medical staff got affected and the figures are alarming. When coronavirus cases were on the rise in the country it was said the medical teams should be provided adequate …
Read More »Was coronavirus runaway planned, whats the Kejriwal connection
Abhigyan Shekhar The union government has suspended two IAS officials for their failure to manage lockdown correctly. Two more names are awaiting action. Though the orders do not mention clearly the reason but it is estimated the movement of labours from Delhi to Uttar Pradesh and the gathering of lakhs …
Read More »One crisis many reactions
Ratan Mani Lal Usually a crisis is best opportunity for political parties to improve their image and make their presence felt. At a time when the ruling party is busy in dealing with the crisis the opposition has the opportunity to take out shortcomings, give unwarranted suggestions, and also register …
Read More »Are we fighting third world war?
Utkarsh Sinha It may seem a farfetched idea but circumstances indicate so. For the last 70 days the world has come to a halt and dozens of countries are fighting emergency where people are locked inside their homes. Governments are struggling hard to maintain supply of essential goods and people …
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