Thursday - 19 September 2024 - 7:00 AM


Walt Disney picks cinema halls for release

Special Desk In a bid to revive cinema hall under tremendous pressure from covid, the Walt Disney has decided to delay streaming of its latest release for sometime and rather bring it to cinema halls directly. The Hollywood giant Walt Disney Co has said its 2021 films will be released …

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Female footballers leave Afganistan

Special Desk Apprehending they may not be allowed to play the female players of the Afghanistan’s junior national soccer team crossed border and entered Pakistan, reports said. The team had spent the past month in hiding amid fears of a crackdown on women’s rights by the Taliban that took over …

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Cancer institute director removed from post

# Report about forged signature compiled after probe # Finger print expert opinion sought in another signature Jubilee News Desk Prof Shaleen Kumar, Director of the Kalyan Singh Super Speciality Cancer Institute has been removed from the post and asked to serve as a faculty after a probe found him …

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France ex-health minister facing probe

Special Desk IN a world’s first such case a health minister is currently facing probe for mishandling of pandemic management. Former health minister of France, Agnès Buzyn, is facing investigation over the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Buzyn served in office from 2017 until 2020. Prosecutors looking into government failings …

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New government for Lebanese

Special Desk Its over an year now that previous administration had quit following Beirut explosion, a new government has finally taken over in Lebanon. The PM is now Najib Mikati, Lebanon’s richest man, a position he held twice before. His appointment, along with the naming of a new cabinet, ends …

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First lot of foreigners out of Kabul, after US forces

Special Desk Since the US forces left Afganistan on August 30, some 200 people, including Americans, could fly out of Kabul. This is the first such operation since US forces left. The flight took passengers to Qatari capital Doha late on Thursday evening and a second such flight is slated …

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Bank of Baroda launches full-service digital banking ecosystem

Jubilee News Desk Bank of Baroda, the winner of the ‘Best Technology Bank’ award amongst the large banks at the IBA Banking Technology 2021 and the Top bank as per MEITY digital payments ranking index FY21, announces the launch of its digital banking platform ‘bob World’ – aimed at providing …

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Political turmoil in Japan as Suga decides to step down

Special Desk The Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has decided to step down and shall not even re-contest as a PM candidate. This has set the stage for a new premier after a one-year tenure marred by an unpopular COVID-19 response particularly and gradually sinking public support. Suga said he …

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