Dr.Seema Javed

The report shows that the offshore wind industry is preparing for a new era of dramatic growth as governments turn to the technology and establish ambitious new targets in their search for energy security and affordability, and strive to meet new net zero emissions ambitions.
The implementation of these upgraded targets should start to deliver yet more record-breaking years from 2025 onwards. GWEC’s Global Offshore Wind Report 2022 shows that governments are getting more ambitious about offshore wind. GWEC Market Intelligence revises up its outlook for 2030 by 45.3 GW, or 16.7%, from last year’s report and believes that 260 GW of new offshore wind capacity could be added in 2022-2030, bringing total global offshore wind installations to 316 GW by the end of this decade.

Speaking from UNOC in Lisbon, Ben Backwell, GWEC CEO, said: “It has been an astonishing year for the offshore wind sector. Governments across the world are now recognising the once in a lifetime opportunity that offshore wind represents to deliver secure, affordable and clean energy while fostering industrial development and job creation. Now we need to work to rapidly implement targets and ambitions, while building a health and “fit for growth” global supply chain. “At the same time, the wind industry needs to take its place as a key custodian of a healthy Ocean ecosystem, as it becomes one of the world’s most important marine-based industries. We need to work with stakeholders and communities in the Ocean environment to ensure that we scale up in a way that ensures holistic cooperation and planning and ensures the highest level of harmony with biodiversity and conservation goals.
Download GWEC’s Global Offshore Wind Report here.
(Autor is Environmentalist & Communicator for Climate Change)