Sunday - 23 February 2025 - 5:35 PM

UP IAS association turning spineless

Rajendra Kumar

The UP IAS association is largest among IAS associations in the country and the activities and decision taken by UP IAS association are talked about in the entire country. And why not as this is the association that had first initiated steps to identify the most corrupt ones among themselves.

In the secret voting for three most corrupt officials the association had conducted an independent polling and after identifying them the association had sent names to the government. The entire lot of young officials involved in the process had got appreciation from the entire nation.

Those young officials are now sitting on different important positions hence the association should have got more powers but it appears neither the cadre is worried about the association nor the government.

This is an apparent reason why the association that conducted IAS week every December hasn’t been able to even decide a date with the government till now. During Akhilesh Yadav government the days was celebrated with much enthusiasm. During this week a lot of activities took place. A match was also played between Chief Minister XI and IAS XI.

During the match an IAS officer used to speak volume as commentator. And those officials who dropped catches of chief minister and ministers such as Raja Bhaiya were given plum postings. In all the IAS week was a time to improve relation between government and officials. But till now there has been no decision on the date and this is the reason that it is said that the association considered to be strongest in the state is now going defunct.

Ever since Pravir Kumar has stepped down as its president the dialogue between the government and the association has gone down. The officials have sensed this and are not actually taking interest to revive the relations.

Where is not eh IAS association going now. An association which is unable to speak for a date for its annual function is appearing spineless. The enthusiasm that used to be in 90s is missing now.

Do worship

PCS association is again in controversy. The association was established 15 years before. Since then the association has been in controversies for some or the other reason. Though the association speaks about having all together for development of all but the association remains in the hands of a few officials. There have been several revolts in the PCS association and changed many faces but it remainds in hands of a few.

Now again the association is being talked about. The reason is PCS officer Samir Verma’s resignation from the post of auditor stating working style of Indramani Tripathi as reason. Verma has sought regignation from president and secretary. After this the joint secretary of the association Kapil Singh has written 7 page letter to Indramani Tripathi and has pushed forward the revolt.

Aprt from these, many other PCS officials have raised strong voice against president and secretary and officials say that the president has sidelined the association just to save his commissioner’s chair. And that he remains silent on exploitation of officials.

Association’s former president Chandra Prakash Mishra has taken the controversy further by saying that till association’s office bearers do not shift focus from their personal gains the association will not become strong. On condition of anonymity a former chief secretary of the state said it seems the association was not formed as per astrological timings.

This is the reason why the association remains in controversy. Therefore a capable astrologer should be consulted and get worship done. Now it is to be seen whether association office bearers follow the advice or not.

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