Monday - 10 March 2025 - 1:35 PM

Unlock 3: Schools, metro to remain closed till August 31

News Desk

Schools and educational institutions will remain shut till the August 31, the union government said in the fresh guidelines issued on Wednesday for unlock 3.

The night curfew has been scrapped and gyms and yoga institutes that are not in containment zones have been allowed to reopen in Unlock3 which is the third phase of lifting of coronavirus-related restrictions across country.

But restrictions remained in place in all other spheres that involve large gatherings be it educational institutions, public parks or cinema halls.

In the fresh guidelines the government said schools, colleges and educational institutions will remain shut till the end of August. Metro rail operations, cinema halls, swimming polls, entertainment parks, theatres, bars, auditoriums and other places which involve large gatherings, will also remain shut.

Independence Day functions, however, will be held with strict protective measures like social distancing in place.
The vulnerable section of the population — children below the age of 10 and seniors above the age of 65, pregnant women and those with chronic ailments including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart and kidney ailments — have been advised to stay home.

As per the fresh guidelines restrictions on movement of individuals during night (Night curfew) has been removed. Yoga institutes and gymnasiums will be allowed to open from August 5, but all precautions will be in place.

Independence Day functions will be allowed with social distancing and by following other health protocols, such as masks.

International air travel of passengers has been permitted in a limited manner under the Vande Bharat mission. Further opening-up will take place in a calibrated manner.

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