Sunday - 8 September 2024 - 9:56 AM

Tag Archives: Sudhir Kumar

Make hay while the sun shines

Sudhir Kumar Teachings and Preachings of ‘turning calamites into opportunities’  had different  shades altogether  until ‘we  the people’ explicitly changed the perspective and the meaning to our convenience, during the severity  of pandemic 2. It ultimately turned out to be proverbial ‘make hay while the sun shines’ in lieu, indeed. …

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Well fought saffron but Didi is the winner

Sudhir Kumar It was not a war of wits nor was it a fist fight but it was ostensibly a war of demeanor between the Duo and the Didi. And so the metaphor ‘Humility on Wheelchair and Arrogance on Chariot’, unmistakably is spot on. The most arrogant, acrimonious and overstretched  …

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