Friday - 20 September 2024 - 6:12 AM

Tag Archives: Naftali Bennett

Israel first country to slam door on Omicron

# Japan too followed Israel and bans foreigners’ entry # Japan and Israel have strictest border controls now Special Desk Israel became first country to close its borders to non-citizens and Japan followed it soon. New rules came in to effect Monday in an effort to block the Omicron coronavirus …

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Benjamin Netanyahu ousted as PM after 12-years

Special Desk After a 12-years-long tenure Benjamin Netanyahu was ousted as the prime minister while Naftali Bennett is Israel’s new PM now. An eight-faction coalition was formed by the opposition earlier for the purpose of ousting Benjamin Netanyahu as the PM. A rotation arrangement has been consented and the head …

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Exit polls: Netanyahu could be short of majority

Special Desk Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might not be able to secure majority to form the new government, the election exit polls have suggested. Netanyahu’s Likud party and its allies are at least seven seats short of the 61 threshold in the 120-seat parliament, say the exit polls. Parties …

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