Sunday - 8 September 2024 - 7:44 AM

Tag Archives: extreme weather

Extreme Weather has caused $41 billion damage since COP28

Dr. Seema Javed  Extreme weather has caused a minimum of $41 billion damage in the six months since the last major climate conference, according to a new report by international development charity Christian Aid. They say that not enough progress has been made since COP28 in the United Arab Emirates …

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Increasing Heat Stress Give Rise to Extreme Weather Events

Dr. Seema Javed India is all set to witness a second round of unseasonal rains, beginning early this week. These rains can be termed as pre-Monsoon showers, which have begun before schedule this year, courtesy increasing heat stress across the country. Pre-Monsoon weather activities start making an appearance by the …

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What does the IPCC’ WG1 summary for policymakers say about India?

Today, the 54th Session of the IPCC accepted the work of the much anticipated Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Cycle(AR6), entitled Climate Change 2021: the Physical Science Basis. The Working Group I (AR6 WGI) report – finalised and approved by 234 …

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