Saturday - 15 March 2025 - 4:11 PM

SIDBI Launched Enterprise Connect Desk at District Industries Centres

Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), Lucknow in association with ODOP Cell, MSME Dept, Govt of UP has launched Enterprise Connect Desks (ECDs) in 35 District Industries Centres (DICs) in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

These ECDs have been set-up for enterprise promotion by encouraging aspiring youth to take up entrepreneurship and help them in providing information of MSME related schemes of Govt. of India, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Schemes of assistance of Banks and SIDBI.

The program was inaugurated by Shri Navneet Sehgal, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, MSME & Export Promotion, GoUP. Shri Sehgal in his inaugural address appreciated the effort of SIDBI and ODOP in connecting with the unemployed youth to take up entrepreneurship to become job creators through this novel initiative which will facilitate budding entrepreneurs to connect with banks to fulfill their dreams. He also advised all the participants to download the Udyam Sarathi App of GoUP and popularize it among the rural youth.

Shri. Manish Chauhan, IAS, Commissioner & Director Industries, Government of Uttar Pradesh in his address advised the participants on the importance of their role in handholding prospective entrepreneurs and guiding with proper information.

Shri Manish Sinha, General Manager and Regional Head, SIDBI, Lucknow, in his welcome address indicated that SIDBI is giving impetus to its promotional and developmental interventions in the State for the unserved and underserved segments through partnerships with the State Government and other stakeholders. He also highlighted on the importance of the role of the Resource Persons at EDCs in addressing the information gap which will help the youth in becoming employment creators rather than employment creators, as hitherto.

Sh. P Praveen Kumar, DGM, SIDBI explained in detail on the background and concept of Enterprise Connect Desks and the roles and responsibilities of the Resource Persons. He also informed that the entire process will be system driven.
Shri Sunil Kumar, Jt. Commissioner, Industries, GoUP appreciated the effort of SIDBI and apprised the participants about the ODOP initiatives of the State Govt.

Vote of Thanks was extended by Sh. Shreekanta Das, DGM, SIDBI who advised the participants to make best use of the information being made available during the orientation program and address the information gap being faced by prospective entrepreneurs.

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