- PM Modi addresses party workers after BJP’s victory
- Every section has overwhelmingly supported BJP: PM
- We eliminated Encephalitis which once devastated UP: PM Modi
- Under Yogi Adityanath’s leadership, Uttar Pradesh has ushered in a new era of law, development, and good governancePrime Minister Narendra Modi calls Milkipur victory in UP ‘unprecedented:
After the victory in the Delhi Assembly elections, the Prime Minister visited the BJP office and addressed party workers. While congratulating the party on its success in Delhi, he also described the BJP’s victory in the Milkipur Assembly by-election in Ayodhya district, Uttar Pradesh, as unprecedented, praising the state’s progress.
Notably, since Yogi Adityanath assumed office as Chief Minister in 2017, Uttar Pradesh has embarked on a new era of law, development, and good governance under his leadership.
While addressing party workers, Prime Minister Narendra Modi remarked, “Uttar Pradesh is right next to Delhi, and at one time, its law and order situation was a major challenge, especially for women. Encephalitis was wreaking havoc in the state, but we worked with determination to eliminate it. Notably, Yogi Adityanath personally led the campaign against encephalitis, fighting it both in Parliament and on the streets as an MP. After becoming Chief Minister, he played a crucial role in bringing it under control.”
The Prime Minister further highlighted the BJP’s emphatic victory in the Milkipur Assembly by-election in Ayodhya, stating that people from all sections of society voted overwhelmingly for the party. He emphasized that this unprecedented win reflects a shift in public sentiment, with people now choosing the BJP’s policy of development and satisfaction over appeasement politics.