Monday - 10 March 2025 - 9:16 AM

IMA to PMO: disclose names of doctors who take bribe, Deny or Prove or Apologise

Deny or prove or apologise

News Desk

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has demanded from the prime minister either to prove or deny his statement regarding bribe taken by doctors from the pharma companies.

The IMA in a letter titled ‘deny or prove or apologise’ has objected to an alleged statement made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the 107 Indian Science Congress.

PM Modi told the gathering of doctors and pharma company CEOs present said that doctors are taking ‘bribe for women’ in the medical fraternity. IMA in letter titled as ‘Deny or Prove or Apologies’ has asking of an apology from him if he approves for what charges he is pressing.


IMA demands to know if the government had details of the companies involved in supplying women to doctors why it chose to invite them for a meeting at PMO rather than initiate criminal proceedings, says the IMA’s letter signed by its national president Dr Rajan Sharma and honorary secretary general Dr RV Asokan.

“Reports have appeared in the media regarding the purported statement of Hon. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi that top pharmaceutical companies bribed doctors with women. IMA takes strong exception to the statement if it has been really made by Prime Minister,” the statement from the letter reads.

A report suggesting marketing by a Pune based organization, Support for Advocacy and Training to Health Initiatives (SATHI) revealed that Pharmaceutical companies attempt to lure doctors with holiday tips, gadgets and even gold jewellery for their own good.

The study has been conducted by two doctors, Dr Arun Gadre and Dr Archana Diwate wrote the documentation report “Promotional practices of the pharmaceutical industry and implementation status of related regulatory codes in India” in November last year.

In the communiqué, by Dr Rajan Sharma Dr RV Asokan have also asked the PMO to release the names of doctors involved in such practices. The Medical Council of the states are expected to take strict actions against them.

The meeting held on January 2 in Delhi where the PM and senior officials of top pharma-companies, including Zydus Cadila, Torrent Pharmaceuticals and Wockhardt were present.

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