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People march in US for abortion rights

Special Desk

Thousands of the US citizens marched in differ states supporting the abortion rights for the people. They are opposing the new Texas law that severely limits access to abortions in the state.

In the coming months, the Supreme Court is set to hear a case that could overturn Roe v Wade – the 1973 decision that legalised abortion nationwide. In Washington DC, demonstrators marched to the Supreme Court building, holding placards with “Make abortion legal” written on them. The start of the rally was disrupted by some two dozen counter-demonstrators.

“The blood of innocent babies is on your hands!” shouted one man, but he was drowned out by the singing and clapping of the crowd. One woman who attended a march said she was there to support a woman’s right to reproductive choice.

The rallies were organised by those behind the annual Women’s March – the first of which drew millions of people to protest a day after the inauguration of former President Donald Trump in 2017.

Another of the rallies was in Austin, Texas, where the state’s legislature on 1 September enacted a law banning terminations after the detection of what anti-abortion campaigners call a foetal heartbeat – a point when many women do not know they are pregnant. The so-called Heartbeat Act also gives any individual the right to sue doctors who perform an abortion past the six-week point.

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Politicians in several other Republican-dominated states are considering similar restrictions. Rights groups asked the Supreme Court to block the Texas law, but the justices ruled 5-4 against granting this.

On 1 December the court is set to hear a challenge to Mississippi’s 15-week ban on abortion.

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