Monday - 10 March 2025 - 9:15 AM

Oxygen for India: Indo-German Binding for better world

News Desks 

Baghawanala, PVCHR office and Lenin Raghuvanshi are symbol of Indo- German relationship of humane sensibility. All staffs of PVCHR in Varanasi infected by COVID19 in second wave but situation of Lenin became very worst and he admitted in ICU for 12 days. He suffered shortage of oxygen in hospital

along with many Indian. PVCHR associates saved life of Lenin through intervention with Prime Minister office. After return to home, Lenin appealed to world for Oxygen to India. After this, Helma Ritscher, Chairwoman of the Indo-German Society Remscheid, Germany writes in her appeal, “Dear members and friends of the Indo-German Society of Remscheid and India, The Covid pandemic still has our world in its tight grip and continues to bring suffering and death in different forms. As is currently the case in a frightening and unimaginable way in India, the country with which we as DIG / Indo- German Society Remscheid have had decades of exchanges and cooperation.

The Dalits, the disadvantaged of India, are our friends. This friendship began with our trusted partner, Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi and his human rights organization PVCHR from Varanasi. We have been working with him and for Dalits since 2002.

During the time of the pandemic, we were shaken and often at a loss by asking ourselves: How can we now help our Dalit friends directly? We are connected through the “Health Center” in the village of Baghwanala, which was inaugurated in February 2020 in my presence as chairperson of DIG, and was financed by the Ministry NRW and us, as supporters and helpers. Dr. Lenin and his team provide the villagers with masks, medicine and food. But then we heard the shocking news about the growing humanitarian catastrophe in India

and the lack of life-saving oxygen concentrators. Thus, the following project idea has emerged: We collect for the purchase of oxygen treatment equipment! But we can only realize this together, dear friends, with your kind support.

After consultation with our local partner, Dr. Lenin, here is our specific appeal: A total of ten oxygen treatment units are urgently needed. The cost of one unit is about 750 euros each.

Thus, the following project idea has emerged: We collect for the purchase of oxygen treatment equipment! But we can only realize this together, dear friends, with your kind support.

In the name of our Indo-German Society and our partner in India, I would like to thank you in advance for your loving support, with which we can ease or even save the suffering of our friends. With God’s help!”

Oxygen for India initiative shows our wonderful cooperation between India and Germany, Varanasi and Remscheid and PVCHR and Indo-German society affiliate Remscheid.

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Lenin, founder of PVCHR says, “what a great work DIG and PVCHR did for our suffering people, hearts came together and sponsors understood the need as humanity without boarder. We received 32.250, – € for 43 oxygen concentrators.”

On behalf of Oxygen for India, Dr. Heera Lal, additional Director of National Rural Health Mission of Government of Uttar Pradesh and advisor of Model village along with Dr. Kripa Shankar, Ex-Vice Chancellor of APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow inaugurated distribution of 43 Oxygen concentrators to 11 Government and charitable Hospitals and clinics on 7 June 2021.Dr. Amit Singh, In charge of Primary Health Center, Chirayee Gaon in Varanasi says with smile, “ I am very happy to receive first two oxygen concentrators for my health centre to save lives of people suffering with COVID19. Thanks to sponsors in Germany for this wonderful and kind support.”

Managing trustee of PVCHR and Jan Mitra Nyas says, “It is way of globalization of human sensibility in time of crisis. Long live Indo-German relationship and partnership of Varanasi and Remscheid, & PVCHR and Indo-German Society affiliate Remscheid

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