Saturday - 15 March 2025 - 4:42 PM

Only One Earth

VP Srivastava

Since 1974 WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY has been observed globally on 5th June every year for encouraging awareness and action for protection of the environment engaging Governments, people and businesses in an effort to address pressing environmental issues like global warming, climate change and air pollution among others.

For too long we have been polluting, exploiting and destroying our planet’s ecosystem making the planet unlivable. Over the last century we have destroyed half of our wetlands and coral reefs.

About one million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction due to loss of their natural habitats. Damaged and destabilised ecosystem result in drought, floods, famine, cyclones, diseases and mass migrations and depriving of livelihoods of millions.

This year’s day’s theme, as declared by UN body, is “Only One Earth ” which reminds us all that the Earth is the only planet in the universe where life exists. It is only because of its unique ecosystem. The damage and loss of this unique ecosystem result in all calamities enumerated above.

The Day brings the attention of all stakeholders on the urgent need to restore Earth’s ecosystem that has been damaged by human activities like pollution and deforestation and and conserve all that are still intact. The emergence of COVID 19 reminds us how disastrous the consequences of ecosystem loss can be.

The destruction of natural habitats creates space for pathogens such as Corona virus to spread. We cannot turn back time. But we can grow trees, green our cities, rewild our gardens, clean up rivers and coasts and change our lifestyle to make it eco-friendly in effort to protect the ecosystem and in turn to protect the humanity.

 (V P Srivastava, President, C-CARBONS  An Organization dedicated for the protection of the environment)

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