Monday - 10 March 2025 - 9:38 AM

Most Inglorious  Escapades

In a sheer display of disgust and falsehood President  Biden feigned  victorious and proclaimed ‘mission  Afganistan accomplished’ just on the succeeding day of America’s most timid and disgraceful escapades from Afganistan. American  troops quietly rather stealthily withdrew from Afganistan on the midnight of 30th August, ostensibly, to meet the deadline of 31st August,a dictum by the indomitable Talibanis. Quite astonishingly, America’s hasty withdrawal was not even with proverbial  ‘lock,stock and barrel’.In the hustle bustle America had to part with unbelievably large numbers of fighter jets,helicopters and huge stockpile of tanks,artillery  guns,small arms and ammunition and also most sophisticated warfare equipments.

The humiliation  thus heaped upon superpower is indescribable. America lost both militarily and diplomatically.It’s credibility as a superpower is at its lowest ebb.The entire  peace loving global community wished,if the inevitable exit could have been more meaningful and with more grace.

America’s 20 years of military operations in Afganistan estimated to cost America  a whooping 3 trillion dollars.And unfortunately America could neither win the war nor the hearts of the people. Undoubtedly  ‘mission Afganistan’ failed and met with an abject disaster. The sole achievement it can vouch for, was the  commando  raid and killing of Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden, after 10 years of operation, who allegedly conspired and masterminded the dreadful but successful 9/11  terrorist  attack on world trade centre and on America’s military headquarter i.e pentagon. But the operation ‘Laden’ too is not believed to be executed solely by American commandos without Pakistan consenting to it. Rumour is rife that Pakistan betrayed Osama Bin Laden and conspired with America to help execute its midnight commando operation in Abottabad, unhindered. Pakistan showed its true double faceted character. So,it was not only valour of American commandos but custodian Pakistan too had its share of conspiracy, betrayal and intrigues, which helped eliminating Osama.

Pic Courtesy : The Asian Age

America’s failed mission in Afganistan despite  unabated flow of money, machine & manpower for 20 long years and yet drawing a flak, speaks extremely poor of their aim,vision & planning.The abject failure of their mission and sudden debacle at the end in Afganistan needs to be analysed deeply by the social & political scientists. It was like  ‘Vietnam’ replayed. Afganis have the glory of incessant  fight against the tyranny of imperialism and foreign invasions.

Though handful of them under the influence of Pakistani fundamentalists have turned terror friendly under the banner of Taliban.But larger population is yet extremely backward, uneducated and live in abject poverty. American mission in Afganistan restricted itself exclusively to military operations and no welfare measures as to ameliorate poverty and educate them were initiated. Besides military operations, America quite subtly  needed to win the hearts of the common people too, which would have certainly thwarted the so effortless and unopposed reprisal of Talibanis.

Pakistan having very shrewdly played double game is now obviously at the  helm of affair in chaotic Afganistan.  Pakistan on one hand pretended to support  America’s military mission in Afganistan and at the same time harbored,trained and fostered Talibanis.It’s an open secret now that Tlibanis have been educated and groomed in various Madarsas of northern Pakistan and have also been imparted military training by Pakistani Army.China too is openly supporting Talibanis to assert their role as superpower after its arch rival America’s withdrawl.Russia will be a natural ally to China-Pakistan in order to celebrate  America’s Inglorious exit.

The quick turn of events in Afganistan  has menacingly emboldened Pakistan and India, obviously now is more susceptible to terror insurgency in Kashmir.India has already witnessed the ugly phase of unhindered terrorist  activities in J & K in early Ninties when hundreds of thousands kashmere pundits had to flee their homes and become refugees in their own nation because of Pak sponsored Mujahideen intruded in very large numbers in kashmir and indulged in widespread violence and anti national disruptive activities.

Now Pakistan severely bitten by the abrogation of article 370 in Kashmir and its insignificant  role in organizations of Islamic Countries(OIC),the debacle of America  and rise of Taliban has come to it as a great opportunity to assert and bargain. Undeniably, with tacit support of China,it will intensely conspire to  destabilize the peace process in kashmir.Talibanis support to Pakistan in the name of jihad can not be ruled out.So,it’s testing moments for India and it need to be very bold,firm and vigilant.So far India has displayed utmost restrain and is playing its cards most diplomatically. India need to garner support worldwide in its fight against terror and ostracize Pakistan for its support to terrorist activities in the region.

Pakistan leadership is being imprudent and shortsighted in supporting and promoting extremist elements within and in Afganistan.It has a democratically elected & functional Government but a wrecked economy. It suffered enormously for more than decades very frequent and gruesome terror attacks by its own divisive forces. Chaos and lawlessness prevailed in whole Pakistan and it remained terror stricken for long,until a few stringent measures were taken against the divisive forces and to great extent order was restored. Pakistan again is inviting unrest & troubles for itself and its citizens.May God bless Pakistan.

Has Taliban  changed in its mission and vision  as is being commonly propagated by their sympathizers.It does not seem likely.Their flagrant disregard to women and minorities’s rights is highly deprecated.The format of  Talibani government has been concieved and is now in public domain.The one who perpetrated explosion of one of the most valued world’s cultural heritage i.e Bamiyan’s largest statue of Lord Buddha has been tipped  to head the government as premier. Nominated deputy  premier Barader was instrumental in hijacking Indian Aeroplane in 1999 and was chief negotiator on behalf of hijackers.He has spent 8 long years in Pakistani jail on numerous  charges of terrorist activities. And the biggest irony is Haqqani being proposed as next interior i.e home minister of Taliban government. Mr Haqqani is a dreaded terrorist and carries a prize of 5 million dollars on his head.Large numbers of other nominated ministers are equally  notorious and have been groomed as radical Islamists in Pakistani Madarsas.

The fateful day of 11th September is remembered every year for the deadliest terror attack on world trade centre in Newyork  in 2001.But it is uniquely different on its 20 anniversary  this year.American mission against terror has ended in a fiasco. America whereas is busy mourning the death of 3000 people hailing from 80 different countries and on the contrary those ‘responsible’ for dreadful terrorist acts are rejoicing their victory fearlessly and  are on the threshold of power,all set to be crowned as new rulers of terrorist infested Afganistan.The entire world is so  helpless and merely a mute spectators to these ominous turn of events.In its all likelihood, Islamic terrorism is going  to thrive unabated and will remain a constant threat to world peace and tranquility.

(Author is Ex IAS officer)

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