Monday - 10 March 2025 - 1:27 PM

Twitter to soon allow Virtual Payments to Your Favourite Accounts

Your tweet might earn you Some Money

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has revealed that the social network is investigating methods of allowing users to get virtual payments from their followers. The expansion, should it be executed, would flag one more free digital platform hoping to give monetary motivations to its users.

Details are slim on the ground presently yet giving Twitter users with enormous followings the capacity to get tips in return for well-received content would change the stage’s elements uniquely. There has even been discussion of introducing content subscriptions to assist Twitter further differentiate its pay, with the social media website apparently taking an extent of whatever payments users get.

“I think the main thing we need to zero in on is that monetary incentive to individuals who are contributing to Twitter,” Dorsey told the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference, which is as of now occurring virtually because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Money Matters

Albeit social media management tools can help organizations and people to measure what kinds of substance drive the best commitment, there is as of now no simple method of creating monetary advantage straightforwardly from a famous web-based media post. Given that Twitter has around 192 million every day users and a few tweets get shared million times, the platform’s most mainstream clients may feel that all is good and well to monetize their content.

Obviously, Twitter should be cautious that presenting such features doesn’t change the manner in which current users interact with the platform excessively. On the off chance that LinkedIn is the go-to application for business networking, Twitter is regularly seen as a spot for expendable remarks and casual conversation. Adding monetary incentive into this blend also strongly could put a few people off.

In any case, income diversification is being investigated by numerous web-based media stages, with TikTok likewise hoping to enter the online business space and Instagram updating up its business tools. Twitter has said, in any case, that it doesn’t anticipate that content memberships should make up a huge piece of the organization’s incomes until one year from now.



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