Sunday - 9 March 2025 - 8:38 PM

India surpasses US in highest single-day Covid-19 spike 

Special Desk 

India has set a record and surpassed the US for the world’s highest single-day increase in COVID-19 cases. The country on Sunday reported 78,761 new cases in 24 hours, passing the number posted in the US on 17 July.

The rise comes nation is witnessing lifting of restrictions in an apparent bid to boost economy that lost millions of jobs since the virus hit in March.

On Sunday, global infections passed the 25 million mark, with 843,000 deaths. The US remains the most affected nation, closing in on six million infections, according to Johns Hopkins University research. 

India’s single-day tally on Sunday passed the one-day increase of 77,299 reported by the United States on 17 July.

In the initial stages of Covid-19, India appeared to be doing fairly well, imposing a strict lockdown, but the virus then hit cities such as Mumbai and Delhi, before surging in tier-II and tier-III cities particularly the rural pockets.

Also Read : MHA issues new Guidelines for Unlock-4

Also Read : COVID cases continue to rise in India

Gatherings of up to 100 people will be allowed at cultural, entertainment and sports events from next month, with face mask and social distancing measures. Also metro trains will also start to run again in cities in a week.

India’s COVID-19 count on Monday reached 3,621,245 that included 2,774,801 recovered patients and 64,617 deaths.

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