Monday - 10 March 2025 - 8:36 AM

How are foreign national in Germany, amid coronavirus scenario

Ankit Prakash
The global coronavirus has affected life of one and all and particularly those living away from family and friends are the worst hit. When we reached to foreigners in Germany to know how they are facing the tough time many said they were worried about family as they were staying away.
When will we be able to see family and thoughts like this makes pressure to pass this phase. A 33-year-old Veneza Maquez, of Maxico who is presently putting up in Anezz says she feels depressed as I am living with my German partner but my family and best friend live in Maxico. In these bad times I remember them more.
Language is another problem and for example the news that comes can not be understood by all and also the instructions by the officials and doctors are not very easy to understand. Juliee Greet, 35, is from Belgium and lives in Freeburg. She said, “This is full of tension and I feel tensed as I am not allowed to see family.”
Similar worried are for others too. “I feel that in such a time I am not there to help my elderly parents,” said 53-year-old Fil Kapur. He lives in Shoburg and is from UK. Westbedan Magan Mcqleen, 39, has similar feelings. She said she was worried about her parents in America and felt that she should have been with them.
People but have faith on the health services of Germany. Maya Sami from Egypt said, “The manner in which Germany government is dealing with the situation is impressive. I feel secure here and I have faith in Germany health services.”
Many of the foreigners said that they feel happy to be in Germany and felt the services better as compared to the service in their own country. Andrew Maul, 37, a native of America living in Dresden said that best healthcare services and basic infrastructure makes him happy.
A native of South Africa, 35-year-old Adam Henath who is presently in Berlin said he feels secured here and many other feel the same. he felt as Germany was prepared for all types of situations. Particularly, when it comes to hospital care.
The contagion is creating economic trouble as life has come to a standstill and it has made impact upon peoples earning sources. Many readers said they have lost job or fear they might. many people are doing short term job. This is job that pays for hours of work. And the state pays for their lost earnings.
28-year-old Kuba C who belongs to Poland and is living in Dermstad said, ‘I lost my job. Though it was expected. I got my next job quickly. But this is tension period and I keep it in mind.’
Shiv Kattamuri, 32, who lives in Bromen and is an Indian says universities are closed and with no alternative to job things are difficult. If this situation remains for long things might become difficult. Another 39-year-old Kara GUminski who belongs to Chicago and lives in Berlin with two kids says she and her husband are working from home and also trying to entertain their 2 and 5 years old children.
The Local Report news says new restrictions have been imposed to bring down coronavirus cases and many international people told us how they are changing habits and also cancelling their trips.
I Malayas who was born in POlland and is living with two kids in Berlin said, “I have a 12-year-old daughter and since schools are closed so she and her 16-year-old brother are alone. I do not go on work and since past week I went out only for groceries neither to favourite café also.” Matiza, 18, who lives near Burjburg said she was watching movies whole day.
(Disclaimer: The views by the writer in the article are personal. No information, or its accuracy, practicality or entirety in the article is owned  by Jubilee Post)

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