Monday - 10 March 2025 - 1:25 PM

Five from UP declared coronavirus positive by Pune lab

News Desk

LUCKNOW: Five residents of Uttar Pradesh tested positive for coronavirus. the report came late on Thursday. The confirmation test were conducted by the national institute of virology Pune and the report was received by the Uttar Pradesh health department in Lucknow.

In all six samples from Agra were sent for re-confirmation, as they had tested positive at the lab at King George’s Medical University. But the state government insisted on a re-confirmation.

The reports have come for six Agra cases that were first found with high viral load at KGMU lab. Five of them are positive for corona virus, the tests confirmed, said senior official in the Uttar Pradesh Health department.

Country has reported 29 cases till now, including three who have recovered. Many of the cases are linked to a group of travelers from Italy. In all 14 Italian travelers tested positive on Wednesday. The government has decided to screen all passengers arriving in the country.

WHO has declared the recent Novel Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) epidemic affecting 24 countries as International Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) under IHR (International Health Regulation).

Till date, 2812 travelers from corona affected countries have been identified and tracked by District Surveillance Units and all have been placed under surveillance. Total 693 travelers being tracked are in fine health 690 travelers are under home isolation, 3 of them are symptomatic at present and admitted at various hospitals (2 at Lucknow and 1 at Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi), condition of all of them is stable. In all 88 contacts of a positive case at Delhi are also in fine health, 6 of these are admitted at Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi, rest 82 under home quarantine.

The 5 Contacts of a Ghaziabad traveler are under home quarantine. 1647 travelers have completed 28 days of observation after coming back from China. State has cross-notified 472 travelers to other States within India and details of 26 travelers have been shared with NCDC, GOI for nternational Cross-notification.

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