Friday - 7 March 2025 - 7:57 AM

Coronavirus: Figures reflect ‘control’, apparently

News Desk

Uttar Pradesh has 1.64% death rate and 9.65% recovery rate of corona virus patients. In India the death rate is 3.26% while the recovery rate is 12.84%. The figures might tell one that in Uttar Pradesh the situation is not bad but if the threat is closely studied it will be revealed that the state is open to all kinds of threats.

Experts have started talking about downward bent in number of desh cases. Big question is how make sure the curve goes down and remains downward until cases stop. There are issues to be addresses. And despite government taking steps they need sustained focus.

Lakhs of inbound migrant labours that belong to various villages in different gram panchayats and in different districts are waiting for the lockdown to end. Since the industries they work in, have no work right now and the condition might remain so in the next few weeks hence rushing back home is the only thing they have in mind.

The state has reported 849 cases and 82 have been declared as recovered and were discharged from hospital. This is an achievement.

Estimates say not just from Maharastra, where majority go from eastern Uttar Pradesh to earn but labours from Haryana, and also Southern India might come back. How much is the need to come back can be understood with the fact that many in Uttar Pradesh came back during lockdown only travelling hundreds of kilometres on bicycle or by foot.

Thousands have come back, thousands are putting up in quarantine facilities and lakhs will come more. Even if the trains do not run they will board a bus and if buses are not running they will walk. But the urge to come back is high.

This has a reason. Labours work on a daily basis and save for a few days only. This gives them even more desire to reach home where survival of their families is not a big question and food will not be a big trouble in village.

But the big question is how much is the administrative machinery prepared for the movement once the lockdown is open. Also the government has planned that those completing their 14-days of quarantine be shifted to their native villages. But whether the virus will multiply after 14-days or not. No one has the answer hence only sustained effort can work

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