Sunday - 23 February 2025 - 11:32 AM

Coronavirus: What new researches say

News Desk

Corona virus remains a mystery and has spread across the globe and there seems no scientific solution to it. Scientists across the world are working on it but every day there is new information on it but there is a huge flow of information. regarding how it spreads, how long it stays on surfaces and the answers to such questions.

On March 31 in the new England journal of medicine a research article gave answers to many questions on corona virus. According to the new research the virus can live up to three days on certain surfaces such as plastic. With time the number of virus on the surface reduces. Corona virus remains on a copper surface for about four hours. Scientist say those who touch them are not much vulnerable at present. Scientists also spoke on how long with the virus remain in the air.

According to a new research corona virus remains on cardboard for 24-hours, hence people should not be afraid but it has to be watched that a delivery person should not be coughing and his hands be sanitized. Experts said that unless delivery persons are not infected the risk is less.

The droplets come out during cough, which are less than 5 micrometer in size are known as aerosol. The corona virus with droplets survive till half-an-hour. Experts said that before finally coming down to the ground it can hover for hours. Particularly the research on aerosol says it does not travel by air.

if you though virus can not be at grocery store or a restaurant you are wrong. The containers in a grocery shop, bags can be infected. hence it is advised that all can be carrier of the virus. Hence if you are alert wash the items you purchase from outside.

Masks are advised to remain safe from coronavirus as masks are barrier between the virus and you. But it is necessary which mask is to be used. Based upon study on aerosol and flu virus it is said that surgical mask is not useful for coronavirus.

At present experts believe coronavirus is not able to survive longer as compared to the SARS and MERS. Social distancing is necessary to remain safe from coronavirus and also remain alert before touching any item.

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