Dr. Chakrapani Pandey
Worst fear came true. Doctors treating coronavirus patients are infected. IN several parts of the country over 50% medical staff got affected and the figures are alarming. When coronavirus cases were on the rise in the country it was said the medical teams should be provided adequate protection else the situation can be devastating.
We can’t fight coronavirus physically. This is technological fight and this can not be fought without basic facilities to healthcare providers.

Number of coronavirus patients is rising in the country and in the coming days it can further rise alarmingly and the load will be upon hospitals. This required protective gears to doctors, nurses, and other staff members. Healthcare providers are risking their own lives for patients.
In Delhi coronavirus effected doctors number 8. Two days before a doctor in AIIMS was found coronavirus positive. And laster it was known that his pregnant wife also got infected. This is just the start. If equipment and protective gears are not made available things may turn even bad.
A few days before a doctor in Nagpur had filed a petition in supreme court asking the doctors be given WHO standard protective gears. On March 31 hearing was done and from the side of government it was solicitor general Tushar Mehta who was told to look in to the matter to consider the demand.
According to media reports India needs at least 3.8 crore masks and 62 lakh PPE kits. Indian government has contacted many companies for quick supply of the same and as per the statistics shared by the ministry of health and family welfare hospitals across the country have 3.34 lakh PPE kits and about 60000 PPE kits have been purchased and supplied. Indian red Cross Society has also donated 10000 PPE kits.

It is not that the government is not making efforts to make these items available. Apart from companies in other countries the government is taking help of companies in India too. Among companies 11 have been considered fit for production for protective gears. Order for 21 lakh PPE kits have been given.
The WHO had long back issued circular for coronavirus to the world. On February 27 WHO issued circular to countries to stock PPE kits and to industry bodies it said to raise production by 40%.
Fight against coronavirus can be won not by being brave but with equipment. Coming in contact with patients without PPE or masks is risky. Doctors know this hence are pleading for basic safety. If a hospital refuses to treat in absence of basic facilities you can’t blame them. If after all facilities they refuse they should face action.
According to a report in Times of India doctors and nurses of the Hindurao hospital who resigned for lack of PPE have been issued notification on April 1, 2020 for action. Earlier a oncologist Dr Indraneel Khan was arrested on March 29. He was arrested as he posted pictures of other medical staff from West Bengal Medical College and Kolkata Medical College while working without protective gears. he was later released.
Doctors understand that if on time they do not received kits they will be in danger. How will it spread can be understood. Doctors work for coronavirus patients and then eat together and also live together in hostels. At times 200 to 300 stay together. If a doctor tests positive will spread infection where ever they go hence it is necessary that no one becomes hero in aggression.