Sunday - 23 February 2025 - 12:00 PM

Coronavirus cases in Agra: Were they really mistake?

News Desk

Lucknow: Could the 336 cases including seven healthcare workers in Agra testing positive coronavirus be avoided or at least stopped at some stage? And could the deaths have been avoided? The questions arise after the third party audit report on the status of Agra has been submitted.

The 300 page report made by two doctors from Lucknow, Dr Surya Kant and was Dr Vivek Verma of the KGMU in Lucknow and have pointed out on the lacking that led Agra to report maximum cases in Uttar Pradesh.

Administrative failure, poor coordination, lack of training, obtaining leave without proper reason by medical staff and abstaining from taking up responsibility are among the 9 points in the report.

These some of the reasons have made Agra to have maximum hotspots as compared to any other district and also have maximum 7 health care workers test positive. Almost none followed protocol what led to spread of coronavirus among medial staff, including three residents, in Agra.

Administrative officials who should have been leaders in the medical teams went on self quarantine. One of them went in to self quarantine in a hotel despite he was not even part of the COVID team treating patients. One senior medical official took leave while another straightaway refused to take charge. This kept administrative post kept hanging pendant between people for some days, when the most crucial phase was on.

Committee has now recommended steps but how would they be followed if the administrative officials are not interested since the beginning. The committee recommended sale of vegetables, fruits or other items should be restricted to only by vendors who have not been tested for COVID-19.

Since medical staff also avoided distancing while at work non-compliance of the same was a key reason for infection. Lack of coordination is also a point made in the report and how would this be corrected has also been mentioned.

It was during the stay by the committee between April 17 and 19 that they found that medical staff going on leave was without permission of any medical board. Hence who ever wanted just went on leave. A medical board has now come up, that shall screen applications and staff wont get leave unless they have a reason.

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