Monday - 10 March 2025 - 2:42 PM

Corona: Life after Death

Prof. Ripu Sudan Singh

It is so bad and so unscientific that in most of the countries, Corona patient dead bodies are kept in refrigerator as no sufficient burial ground and graves are available. It will further worsen the situation.

This is the most challenging tasks the world is caught in. In such a global crisis, at least, World Health Organisation (WHO) should come out with an appeal, advisory and compulsory instructions for all the Nation-States to adopt a universal policy for the cremation of infected dead bodies by burning either through electrical crematorium or any other means available? Human being is the product of this Universe and finally will merge with it.

Till now there is no scientific proof of life after death. All such theories are based on mere imagination and assumption. The global responsibility is to save human being on this earth right now than following un-verified, un-proved, unscientific doctrine of life after death. This is the most critical crisis situation.

In Indian philosophical discourse, there is a provision for आपद धर्म (Dharma-Rules of Disaster) to be followed as the requirement of the context and the situation. All the old prevailing rules (dharma) may be broken to save humanity.

This is an Aapad Dharma situation where dead bodies should be immediately burnt by any means. It will help finish virus and stop it from spreading and infecting others. Indian World view is based on reason, rationality and human welfare than irrationality and blind faith.

This will help local administrative bodies take decision to cremate those bodies quickly. As world-wide population is growing, global community should think rationally in this regard to save land for human being. Government policies and decisions should not be based on unproved faiths and beliefs. Sati tradition was immediately abolished, untouchability declared illegal, widow re-marriage became the basis of human rights for women in India.

It helped them to own themselves, their body and mind. It got them free from being the possession of others and enjoying the ownership of Self. Not one but many person came forward to change the decadent traditions and beliefs in the world. Raja Ram Mohun Roy was one such stalwart. The first person after him in Asia was Mustafa kemal Atatürk who got the decadent institution of khalifa (Caliphate) abolished in 1924 in Turkey separating religion from the governance of state and society.

Now the time has come to think, act and behave scientifically. We have to come out of the clutches of superstitions and dictates of priestly-clergy-Maulana world. We can’t be scientific in the matter of so called ‘others’ and highly sectarian, orthodox, backward looking, status quietest, fundamentalist and unscientific in the matter of ‘self or we’.

We all belong to one race i.e. human. We can’t be one under one umbrella but can be one under different umbrellas of different shades and colours. Now the time has come to live and lead simple, scientific and compassionate life than dual, complicated and contradictory life.

In case of any conflict between faith and science, let us look back to the respective constitutions for guidance and final decision. It is made by the people of those countries. Democratic constitutions are based on modern scientific-human values of equality, liberty and brotherhood. It also reflects Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam; the entire world is our extended community.

The universal values inherited from great Indian knowledge tradition include sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ sarve santu nirāmayāḥ (all human being should be happy and healthy). Buddha says bahujana hitAya-bahujana sukhaya. (Greatest welfare & happiness to greatest number of people) may provide a framework for the management and governance of human society globally.

Now the time of reforms has gone and the times of sudden and revolutionary changes are required to save human race on this earth. Twentieth century was the century of reforms but 21st century has no time and space for reforms other than suddenly replacing the old sets of habits and behaviours by the new one.

When people can accept and adopt modern technology, they have not right to say no to modern scientific ideas of human values and virtues. All the religions have to be re-examined and re-defined. The young generation of each community must come forward to questions those crumbling ideas of the old institutions of faith and speculations.

It will help them to shape and redefine their role in the new century of globalisation. One should not be afraid of science and technology. When knowledge or any knowledge gets a definitely shape supported by facts, evidence, experiment and a theory with the power of prediction, becomes science. Technology is the product of science, it is not the science. Science is an approach free from prejudices. But scientific knowledge in never an absolute knowledge. It keeps changing.

(Author is Professor of Political Science in BBA University Lucknow)

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