Thursday - 19 September 2024 - 7:15 AM


What’s in store for them now?

Jubilee News Desk So what’s in store for the two Mauryas — deputy chief minister Keshav Prasad Maurya and Swami Prasad Maurya — the two big leaders who lost election but were key candidates in the BJP that won the elections and Samajwadi Party that also saw overall growth in …

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RBI stops Paytm from onboarding new customers

Jubilee News Desk Reserve Bank of India has on Friday, in exercise of its powers, inter alia, under section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, directed Paytm Payments Bank Ltd to stop, with immediate effect, onboarding of new customers. The bank has also been directed to appoint an IT …

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Old age and orthopaedic disease : how to protect

We all know that the bones of the body are made up of numerous protein fibers and calcium is deposited on it with the help of vitamin D. This process goes on continuously and gives strength to our bones. In the latter part of life, as we age, the fibers …

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Dr Nori Dattatreyudu inaugurates the six month cancer screening camp

The six-month long cancer screening will cover all women in the districto The Camps will be organised by Bridge Gap Indur Cancer Hospitals & Grace Cancer Foundationo Will assess cancer and non-communicable diseases risk among women  Women Cancer Conquerors will lead the campaign in their respective villages Nizamabad. Bridge Gap …

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2501 Uttar Pradesh residents in Ukraine

Jubilee News Desk Since the war began, in all 2501 Uttar Pradesh residents were stuck in Ukraine and till now 227 have returned back home. According to the information shared by the relief commission Uttar Pradesh office a total 2501 people/students from Uttar Pradesh were in Ukraine. Of them 227 …

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