Monday - 10 March 2025 - 3:49 AM

Breathless India  and  Clueless WE

Sudhir Kumar

We heard recently of ‘Wailing Wall'(western wall), the remains of the holiest of the Jew temple in Jerusalem, during just concluded skirmishes between Israel and Palestinian/Hamas.T he Jews are said to  cry facing it as religious ritual, recalling its lost glory.

And simultaneously and  most shockingly, we all saw India as a ‘Wailing Nation’. The entire country was in tears  and experienced horrifying degree of fear too. Whereas tears of, who lost their near and dear remained unwiped and unsolaced, others were gripped with inevitable fear for any further loss of life. Besides, nature ironically being cruel to us, administration also added to it by their indifference and  apathy. The panicky nation and the anguished masses encountered  the true face of long cherished ‘good governance’.

India was made to cry earlier too, when reckless demonization  wrecked economy and everyone had to suffer. But the loss was not that of life. Demonetization was an outcome of  overenthusiasm and pandemic of  complacency. And tragically, both acts had willful but insidious political ambitions.

The  sordid tale of  horrifying pandemic 2 is indescribable. The 1st phase quite predictably arrived, but with our robust mental preparedness and prompt lockdown, the fatalities were successfully restrained to its lowest. But it  forewarned us to be ever  vigilant. It also gave us ample time and space to make necessary  infrastructural  arrangements to fight out the inevitable and more intensive 2nd phase. Alas ! the complacency  did cost the entire nation unimaginably dear. As the catastrophe  of covid 19  caused a threat to entire humanity, so the menace was to be fought unitedly, oblivious  of the geographical boundaries. India presumably  being the pharmaceutical  hub of the world, was destined to play a vital role either in discovering an effective vaccine  or in developing a viable medicine as substitute. The vaccination as instant remedial measure was invented and developed  indigenously along with other superpower like America  China  and Russia. It was truly a proud moment and India successfully substantiated the notion of being pharmaceutical hub of the world.

The launching of ‘biggest vaccination  programme’ ever was like any other mega political event. But was it genuinely phased out for various categories  and for different  age groups? Vaccination centres functioned quite efficiently. Caring and friendly arrangements were wholeheartedly appreciated .No shortage of vaccine was ever reported. India, very enthusiastically,

even launched ‘vaccination  diplomacy’  by exporting or donating sizeable nos. of doses to neighboring  and developing  nations, obviously  with intent to earn global acclaim. And quite  expectedly this act  of ultra magnanimity was overwhelmingly applauded worldwide and fetched desired accolades to our leadership.

Coincidently the incidence of pandemic then was to at its lowest ebb. Launching of vaccination programme, opening out of economy, unrestricted  travel worldwide, tourists venturing out and reduced ‘fear psyche’ of pandemic motivated our dynamic leadership to  pronounce unilaterally their symbolic triumph over covid.

But the worst was yet to come. The complacent leadership hastened up and boasted  them to be  winner. But the analysts construe it to an deliberate move in order to justify their act of proposed hectic electioneering and kumbh celebration. Election commission arbitrary decision  to  conduct WB election in 8 phases was also subject to severe criticism. Kumbh congregation  was again unrestricted  and unabated. These unscrupulous and malicious acts were admonishingly marked ‘super spreader’.

And sudden pounced the monster pandemic 2 with even more lethal variant. Government machinery were caught napping, unarmed and unguarded. It was chaos and commotion every where. The ailing and affected were bereft of adequate  medical facilities. Shortage of oxygen, essential medicines and non availability  of beds in hospitals literally made the entire  nation crying and breathless. The government  machinery appeared unprepared & helpless. Sudden disappearance of top leaders, who till recently were busy addressing  huge election  rallies, agonized and disenchanted the people. They were not even courteous and sensible enough   to utter a few solacing words. So deplorable and disgusting.

Unrestrained but candid global media  came down heavily. Few scathing and unpleasant remarks caused inexplicable embarrassment to political  leadership of the country. Almost all the leading newspapers and newsmagazine were unanimous and firm  in their opinion that government lacked farsightedness and prematurely boasted of their conquest.

Even a leading Indian  newsmagazine  unhesitatingly called it a ‘failed state’. An Australian  newspaper even used very harsh and unpalatable  words and was crudely unapologetic when India strongly refuted the contents .Whereas the ‘image’ conscious  state  was busy defending  their acts and not letting it get tarnished further, the resource mobilization  to  fight the menace of pandemic was inadequate and not efficiently managed. Opposition  too did not  miss an opportunity to  fire the salvo. Amidst…. the common people as their fate would have it suffered  the most.

Innumerable controversies arising  in between too added to commotion  and hampered the smooth  functioning of relief agencies. IMA & Baba Ramdev spat was not in good taste .They needed to supplement  each other and deliver health services to ailing masses.  IMA ought to have evolve ways and means to check the unduly inflated bills by the private hospitals. Should have also helped regulating the easier availability  of medicines and other accessories  on  fair price. Overwhelming support to newly created PM care fund was also marred with controversies as the malfunctioning  of 5500 ventilators purchased from this fund and given to states, made the headlines.

Government lacked dexterity in formulating an uniform, self sustainable and public friendly vaccination policy. There was confusion galore as whether the different  states procured it independently or the central government ropes in and monitor  the process centrally, until much awaited an uniform countrywide  policy was pronounced. Smooth  production and unhindered supply of vaccines being a  herculean  task, it needs to be closely watched and monitored at a very high level.

The incidence of pandemic though has remarkably declined but nation can not afford at this juncture to be complacent again. The government  machinery  too appears to have come out of deep slumber. Massive launching of free vaccination programme coinciding it on yoga day was a grand success, with  87 lakhs getting vaccinated in a single day. We should all be hopeful the spirit continues, and the nation is prepared to face the most speculated and more deadly 3rd wave.

Didn’t the terrifying two months remind us of rhetoric of notional ‘banana state’? Didn’t ‘we the people’ deserve more consoling and Sympathetic demeanor. We all need to introspect and pay homage to all those who went to their heavenly abode due to human lapses.

Let’s hope pandemic has helped us becoming  more humane and a better human being.

(Author is Ex IAS officer)

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