Monday - 10 March 2025 - 9:48 AM

At 94, Malaysian Prime Minister requests the Muslim world to join hands


Faizan Mussanna


The Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohammad have appealed to the leaders of the Muslim world to unite against the American tyranny after the recent events in which Iranian military commander Qasim Sulemani was killed. At 94, Mohammad is the oldest Prime Minister in world and an ally of Iran.

He has requested the Muslim countries to unite in a time when countries are being targeted and failing to secure their region.

Despite the heavy taxes on Iran the country hasn’t  left trading ties with Iran. There are more than 10,000 Iranian citizens living in Malaysia.

However, the rest of the world was seen immediately coming up with dialogues about the actions of Iran.

Iraq lashed out on Iran’s behavior

Iraqi politician Mohammad al Halbuousai and speaker of the council of the Representatives, talking about Iran’s attack on its soil to take out US military bases is a violation of sovereignty of a country. “To save Iraq’s sovereignty, the government must take necessary steps. Iraq is being made an area of a needless war. We are not a party to this conflict.”

Iran bet’s for a bigger play!

“Iran’s assessment is that Trump does not want to get involved in any widespread war in the Middle East. In such a situation, Iran is making a very clever decision,” says Thomas Juneau, Professor of Iran Affairs at the University of Ottawa on Iran’s decision to attack US military bases.

Pakistan clears its stand?

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Wednesday cleared its stand as tension escalates in the Middle East saying it will not benefit anyone. Pakistani Minister said that the war is not in anyone favor.

Qureshi iterated that the global economic condition will be affected if the we enter the war. Qureshi has also made it clear that Pakistan will not become a part in the regional confrontation. “The effect of killing Qasim Suleimani will be more than the death of Osama bin Laden and Islamic State Chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Pakistani will not support any unilateral action. Middle East tension is very serious,” he said.

“Pakistan will not allow its land to be used. We will not be a party in this matter.”

Iraq said  there were no casualties from the Iranian attack after it fired 22 missiles at US military bases in Iraq.

Britan condemned the attack on US?

Britain came forward hours after the attack on US military bases in Iraq saying that British soldiers are also present at the Iraqi soil. “Iran’s attack on coalition military bases is not acceptable. We request Iran not to launch such an attack again.”

WHAT Japan Says?

Japan sitting at the edge of the Arabian sea, Prime Minsiter Shinzo Abe has urged both the coutries to restrain peace and reduce tension. Abe as scheduled to visit Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman this month, but had to postpone the trip. However the Japanese government will soon coordinate the matter. Japan is sending ships to the Gulf to ensure the safety of Japanese ships.

What did Australia say?

Prime Minsiter Scott Morrision said that troops and diplomats are completely safe in the region. An estimate of 300 security personnel are residing on the Iraqi soil. Morrison has discussed the whole situation with the United States and Iran. “America acted on intelligence.”

What did India say?

India on Wednesday has warned its citizens not to travel over Iranian waters and on Iraqi soil and to wait until further notice. Those who are already in any of the countries should avoid getting out and take precautions.

What did the UAE stand?

UAE Foreign Minister Anwar Gargash said that the current period of tension is no good for the Middle East and it must be reduced. A Political dialogue important to reduce the tension.

What did Germany has to say about the missile attack ?

German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer condemned the Iranian missile attack on Wednesday to end the ‘spiral’ conflict. It said that the Iran military shouldbot move towards any kind of military action. The European Union President Ursula von der Leen said the use of weapon in the Middle East should be stopped. He further said to have a dialogue with the British Prime Minister on the issue.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s bluntness

Irans suoreme leader Ayatollah Ali Kahnmenei said on Wednesday that the martyrdom of Qasim Suleimani made it crystal clear that the Islamic Revolution was still alive. Khamenei said that America should leave the Middle East saying it will not tolerate America anymore.

‘More strict response will be given’

Regarding the operation of the Islamic Revolution Guard Crops (IRGC), Major General Mohammad Baqari said, “Iran has just shown its military capabilities. If America strikes again, a more strict response will be given. It would be better for America to choose a theoretical option to the Middle East region.”

The US is a ‘liar’: Khamenei

Iran’s supreme religious leader Ayatollah Khamenei described US as a “liar, crook and inhumane”, saying Iran have given them ‘a slap in the face’. Khamenei while addressing thousands of people in Qom province said ‘Iran is capable of teaching a lesson to the people who are shunning the world. We feel that such attacks against the America is inadequate. More important is the end of America’s presence in this region.”

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