Monday - 10 March 2025 - 8:09 PM

Are we fighting third world war?

Utkarsh Sinha

It may seem a farfetched idea but circumstances indicate so.

For the last 70 days the world has come to a halt and dozens of countries are fighting emergency where people are locked inside their homes. Governments are struggling hard to maintain supply of essential goods and people on whats app are circulating messages to control eating habits too. Heads of nations are giving out messages to countrymen.

Every war has such arrangements

The world has seen two big wars before this and in the first one people saw tanks and in second it was nuclear weapons that played decisive role. After this all the countries who could do so made a big stock of weapons that fighting face-to-face became impossible.

Every era has its own reasons for war and after each war measures are taken more than what was done before. All this to stop the next war. But the super powers have defeated all such arrangements.

Let’s peep in to history

After the second world war it was cold war for a long time and after demolishing Soviet Union America became the ‘boss’ but soon the trend changed. Instead of land grabbing it came out to be economy on the target and the rush to become number one focused economy of countries.

The world trade organization that was made to promote globalization and economic liberalization started changing the world structure and soon command over trade became the benchmark. In the ninth decade of the 20th century the war between America and Iraq had command over the oil production as reason and also the war in Syria and Libya had oil as reason.

After fall of Soviet Union the Russia took 25 years to regain its losses and till then the economic balance of the rest of the world had fallen between America and China. Both these countries extended their trade in such a manner that it was said a trade war. American president out of his stubbornness started putting up levy upon China and in return China gave America few shocks.

Now lets talk of new war weapons

Moving ahead of rock weapons it was nuclear weapons and such weapons came to an end now. With changing time compute data also became a weapon and it has been used to give shocks to nations. Also the bio-weapon is similar.

Bio-weapon is nothing new and has been used several times. Hitler gas chamber was a bio-weapon and in recent years the SARS too was called a type of bio-weapon.

Lets now understand conspiracy

A news that came 10 months before seems important today. The news was that Chinese agents had stolen nine vials of a formula kept in a microbiology lab at Canada. This was a virus that can be used as a bio weapon. Among those agents one was caught with 7 vials in Russia. But the second agent managed to flee. experts believe that China started developing the formula in Wuhan.

When America came to know this they reached out to the lab and got the virus burst there only. This was a big blow to China. Its biggest economic centre was damaged and a big blow was for the economy. This made impact on countries that were dependent for import upon China.

The story did not end here. First in Europe and then in America this virus spread fast. Italy and Spain, Britain and France had major impact of the virus. Even economy in Europe got the jerk and the remaining was done with the fast spreading virus in America.

Share prices started falling in the entire world and quietly its purchase on a low price began. The rich across the world suffered loss and also their command on their companies went poor. This is still going on.

China has emerged out of the jerk and has started sending its doctors to other countries to help in managing the situation. The business tycoon in China have invested crores of dollars to fight virus spread. This is human face in times of war that shall help build strong relations with nations across.

The greatest change in the economic world is change in shareholders. Experts believe that the major buying is done by China hence the ownership goes to China and Chinese people.

In the era of economic liberalization the decision of victory will be global and depend upon control on economy. And not on land ownership.

Lets read the first and important line of the article again.

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