Monday - 10 March 2025 - 9:11 AM

Afghanistan : A journey from Laden to Biden

As Laden was to America in 2001,Biden is to Afghanistan in 2021. Laden caused entire America gasped in shock and fear after devastating attack on world trade center on 9/11 and Biden Administration too likewise, almost 20 years later by hurriedly withdrawing American forces caused Afghanistan gasped in shock and fear.

Decision to withdraw American forces suddenly after 20 years of fierce but indecisive guerrilla war was like almost handing over the nation Afghanistan and its citizen in a platter to Barbaric Taliban. American mission ‘Afghanistan’ thus ended in a fiasco, reminiscent of their ignonimous debacle in Vietnam in 1974.

As we in India were busy celebrating our national festival i.e 75th Independence day with usual zest & fervour, the country and it’s citizens in our neighborhood were undergoing most horrifying and traumatic moments. The head of the elected government of Afghanistan in lieu of a heroic fightback, in an extreme cowardice act, quite shamelessly fled out of country, jeoparadizing the lives of the hundreds of million of Afganis, who were left in lurch and at the mercy of cruel and barbaric talibanis. Consequently the large, well trained Afgan armed forces, equipped with highly modern and sophisticated weapon, surrendered meekly. Leaderless army is bound to meet the same fate.

Reports pouring in from Afghanistan in general and Kabul in particular is highly perplexing. Mayhem & chaos at Kabul airport is horrifying. Videoclips of a few Afghani passengers desperately clinching to the wings of an American aircraft, preparing to take off, with intent to flee the country, is unbelievably terrifying. It realistically resembled a stunt scene from a James bond thriller. Irony of embracing ‘imminent death’ in lieu of ‘possible death’ simply reflects the mental state of common Afghan citizens and the miseries they expect to be inflicted upon by the barbaric Talibani.

Turmoil has ever been an integral ingredient to Afganistan’s lifestyle. Their social fabric, nomadic lifestyle, topography and geopolitical location altogether add to the perennial unrest and turmoil they have been made to reconcile with. India expanded upto present day Afganistan during ancient rulers like Mauryas, Guptas and kushans. Epic like Mahabharata too mentions kingdom of Qandahar. Buddhism was propagated deep inside Afganistan,the relics substantiate it.With the advent of Islam and its citizens fast converting to and embracing Islam, distanced it culturally from mainstream. Mahmud Ghazni & Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded northern India and inflicted untold brutalities. Abdali even changed the course of Indian history after defeating Marthas in the 3rd battle of Panipat.

Afghanis primarily being nomadic in character tend to disregard authority which appears to be not akin to their tradition or belief. Even Britishers miserably failed to tame them. Three Anglo-Afghan wars entail the true narrative. Large numbers of British soldiers were butchered mercilessly in 1st Anglo Afghan war. A severe backlash to Britishers cruel & inhibitated imperialism. Afghanis display of superlative valour and courage must be applauded. Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 19th century with his military power and administrative acumen expanded his kingdom till north west frontier bordering Afganistan. He could be credited to tame unruly tribes like Pakhtoons for long.

Post world war 2, an era of cold war started. Afghanistan due to its geopolitical location became vital for both bloc. Integrated Russia’s central Asian states bordered it whereas America’s then favorite Iran had long boundary with it. America lured Pakistan to be in its side by giving unlimited alms and aids. And so Afghanistan became nerve center of uninstigated tension.

Being land locked it had its own geographical disadvantages, and so was bound to reconcile with terms and dictates of superpower like Russia. The phenomenal rise of fundamental Islamic elements in Pakistan in 70’s and Ayotollah Khomeini wresting power in Iran in the same decade, worried Russia, lest fundamentalism spread in their Muslim dominated states via Afghanistan. Flabbergasted Russia got susceptible and in sheer desperation, imprudently invaded Afghanistan in 1979.The unending era of constant turmoil and unrest began in Afghanistan and is yet persisting.

America got an opportunity to intervene by supporting Pakistan trained Mujahideen. It was blessing in disguise to Pakistan, where unlimited military and financial aid poured in,which it indiscriminately used against India to instigate insurgency in kashmir.

Russia had to concede and withdraw disgracefully in 1989 after decade old war.It had to suffer great humiliation and it finally paved the way to unavoidable disintegration of USSR in 1991.An era of cold war came to an end.

Taliban and it’s hard-core Islamic school of thought flourished unobstructed in this period. Large numbers of Madarsas, to propagate Islamic Teachings, cropped up across the Afgan-Pakistan border,with huge financial aid from Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations on America’s behest.The foundation of Afganistan becoming a safe harbour of Islamic terrorism was thus laid. Various disgruntled groups of fundamentalist Islam found an easy and convenient refuge here making it a breeding place of Islamic terrorists and a epicenter of terrorism. Emboldened by Russian exodus and barbaric execution of president Habibullah, Talibanis wrested power with no resistance at all.Strict Islamic laws were imposed and the people had to undergo a phase of untold miseries. America was a mute spectator. The most dreaded terrorists organizations Al-Qaeda led by infamous Osama Bin Laden grew and prospered unabated.

India too had to suffer inexplicable humiliation at the hands of Taliban when an Indian Airlines plane taking off from Kathmandu was hijacked by the Pakistani terrorists and forced to land in Qandahar in 1999.Talibanis were the chief negotiators. India had to free a few dreaded terrorists like of Masud Azhar and others in lieu of hostages release. It was the most traumatic moments for India and the humiliation heaped upon yet remains unwiped. America then showed its true color and did not come forward to help.

You reap as you sow proved absolutely true. Talibanis and Al Qaeda are the brainchild and byproduct of America’s nefarious motive. It nurtured and fostered them. Pakistan’s support to terrorist activities was an unhidden secret.But America always and deliberately turned a blind eye. On the contrary huge financial and military aids were regularly made available. Now it was bolt from the blue. Al-Qaeda masterminding and executing most successfully the dreadful terrorist attack on world trade centres on 9/11 shocked the entire world. America , presumably an invincible superpower had to suffer immeasurable humiliation. America had no option but to wage a war against Al Qaeda and Taliban.And so American and NATO forces entered Afganistan and a sustained but unsuccessful tirade against terrorism was initiated.Laden was spotted in Pakistan and killed in an commando operation.It exposed Pakistan.

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Taliban has staged a comeback.Pakistan,China and Russia has already extended their support. President Biden is under constant attack for so unthoughtful exit.Fear and grief stricken citizens are speechless.Taliban though has assured general amnesty to all.But can a leapord change its habit?.India too has big stakes in Afganistan.Now Pakistan & China being at the helm of affair,India need to play its card very patiently and prudently.Admittedly,Taliban ruling Afganistan is a great setback to us.

Ironically,Afganistan,once the land of Budhha’s preachings,which proudly boasted to possess the largest statue of Budhha ever in Babhiyan (175 ft) has unfortunately turned in to the hotspot of violence and epicenter of terrorism.But history repeats itself.Voilence and terrorism is self destructive and God forbid self proclaimed Talibabis jihadis tend to self- immolate themselves like ‘Bhasmasurs’.

(Author is Retd. Officer of IAS)

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