Monday - 10 March 2025 - 4:55 PM

Adhikar Sena formed for Constitutional Rights of citizen

Special Desk

An organization by the name of Adhikar Sena has been formed by many activists and conscious persons to fight for the constitutional and legal rights of the citizen. The purpose of the Sena is said to be to facilitate and protect the various legal and administrative rights bestowed to the citizen.

Its founder Amitabh Thakur said that the primary key idea of the Sena is that there is immense need to create an atmosphere where the citizen are actually in a position to use the various rights guaranteed to them.

He said the worst thing being faced is that while the Constitution and the laws have given many rights to the people, the people are not being able to use a substantial part of these rights.

The first reason is that many politicians and influential persons do not want the citizen to use their rights. They always talk of the duties and never exhort the people to fight for their rights.

Amitabh said the Sena believes that the citizen are already doing more than their share of duties while they need their rights to be realized. Hence the focus of Sena is completely on the rights of the citizen.

He said already around 2000 persons belonging to various parts of UP and other States have already joined the Sena and they are trying to build it into a grassroot organization.

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